If your event is cancelled, you can mark the session as cancelled, update your event description and message ticketholders. Eventfinda staff will be able to sort out the rest during business hours.
- To mark the session as cancelled, you'll log back into pro.eventfinda.co.nz and click Manage Ticketing. Then click the cancel button under the session and confirm the cancellation. If all ticketholders need to be refunded, Eventfinda staff have a way to refund everyone so we can do this part for you.
- To update your event description, when you log into pro.eventfinda.co.nz and click Edit Details, you'll be able to edit the description to let customers know the event will be cancelled/postponed. Save the changes and continue to finish.
- If you need to contact ticketholders for your event to keep them informed on what is going on, here’s a How To guide for Ticketholder Communications.